According to the project managers, WebFWD’s third class is currently on “spring break” — basically, taking a one-week breather after 5 weeks of intense strategy, positioning, user research, design and marketing work. They’ve also been refining their pitches and working with the best mentors from Mozilla.
Diane Bisgeier, head of this program, says that on Wednesday, June 5, the teams will be back in Mountain View at Mozilla HQ to pitch their business’. Also, WebFWD’s team is accepting applications online for the next class until June 5.
“As a reminder, we are looking for teams that are building products / services that make the web (including the mobile web) better and more open, have open source products (at least, a component) or are leveraging the power of HTML5, have built at minimum a working prototype. They can be located anywhere, as teams participate remotely and only need to be in the SF Bay Area for Orientation (August 2013) and Graduation (November 2013)”, says Diane.
Among the current alumni teams is Gameleon, a Romanian startup founded by Victor Popescu, the developer of Bugtopia.
More from Mozilla WebFWD:
- Gameleon won first place at Startup Camp Berlin and was selected for Mini Seedcamp Belgrade. They also shared their technology with the roughly 100K developers who read MozHacks here.
- Nick Lowe of is a finalist for the Thiel Fellowship. So is our alum, Diwank Singh. Given how exclusive a distinction this is, we’re pretty proud ;)
- WebFWD II alums Sketchfab and led by Ski Macierkowski) are both enrolled in TechStars (New York City and Microsoft Azure programs, respectively).
- In addition to TechStars and Seedcamp you can now add Y Combinator, Eleven and Rockstart to the list of accelerators who have shared teams with us either before or after joining WebFWD.
- Also in alumni news:
- o J Herskowitz of Tomahawk (WebFWD I) spoke at the Wireless Industry Partnership (and Mozilla-sponsored) Jam at Mobile World Congress in February. Tomahawk recently passed the 500K download milestone. Got a playlist you want to share? Get Tomahawk!
- o The unstoppable team at codebender have redesigned their website, enlisted more hardware partners and are touring hackerspaces and universities to educate about the power of the maker movement. Curious? Check ‘em out and invite them to share the various ways you and your students can start making.